Our why & How

Aikkiya is politically and religiously impartial

Aikkiya Purpose and Actions

  • Defend basic democratic principles  across all political span’s
  • Bridge the difference gaps
  • Find common denominators on grassroots level
  • Strengthen the civil courage in society

(Democratic principles accordingly with UN´s conventions of Human Rights)

To achieve the purpose of Aikkiya and fulfill its mission, several strategies and actions is:

  1. Advocacy and Awareness: Engage in advocacy efforts to raise awareness about the importance of democratic principles, human rights, and bridging societal differences. This can include public campaigns, media engagement, and educational initiatives to promote understanding and encourage active citizenship.

  2. Grassroots Engagement: Establish local brigades or community networks in different regions or countries, focusing on multicultural societies. These networks can facilitate dialogue, foster understanding, and promote cooperation among diverse communities at the grassroots level.

  3. Capacity Building: Develop training programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals working towards democracy, peace, and social cohesion. This includes promoting civil courage, conflict resolution, intercultural communication, and active citizenship.

  4. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborate with other like-minded organizations, institutions, and platforms to form coalitions and partnerships. By joining forces, resources, and expertise can be shared to amplify the impact of advocacy efforts and promote democratic values globally.

  5. Research and Education: Commission research projects and studies on topics related to violent extremism, multiculturalism, and democratic principles. Utilize the findings to inform evidence-based advocacy and educational initiatives that promote democratic values and human rights.

  6. Dialogue and Mediation: Organize workshops, seminars, and events that facilitate dialogue, promote understanding, and bridge differences among diverse communities. These platforms provide opportunities for open and respectful conversations, helping to build trust and find common ground.

  7. Support Grassroots Initiatives: Provide support and resources to grassroots initiatives aligned with Aikkiya’s values. This can include funding youth empowerment programs, interfaith dialogues, civic education initiatives, and community projects that promote democratic principles and social cohesion.

  8. International Engagement: Actively engage with international networks, platforms, and organizations working towards similar goals. Participate in conferences, summits, and workshops to share experiences, learn from global best practices, and collaborate on initiatives that advance democracy and peace worldwide.

  9. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress, measure the impact of programs and initiatives, and ensure accountability. Regularly assess the effectiveness of activities and make necessary adjustments based on lessons learned.

  10. Financial Sustainability: Allocate a portion of funds for long-term financial sustainability. This can include building an endowment, establishing income-generating projects, investing in fundraising capacity, diversifying funding sources, and exploring partnerships with philanthropic foundations, corporations, and government agencies.

By implementing these strategies, Aikkiya can actively contribute to defending democratic principles, bridging societal gaps, finding common ground, and strengthening civil courage in society. Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to promoting inclusive dialogue and understanding, Aikkiya aims to create a world where basic democratic principles are upheld, and all individuals can live in safety, freedom, and unity within diverse societies.

The challenge - Worlds unrest

The world is currently experiencing significant unrest on a global scale. Numerous regions and countries are grappling with various challenges, including political instability, social divisions, economic disparities, and conflicts. These factors have contributed to a sense of uncertainty and tension, both within and between nations.

In many parts of the world, political polarization and ideological differences have intensified, leading to increased social unrest and protests. Discontentment over issues such as inequality, corruption, and lack of opportunities has fueled public demonstrations and demands for change. Simultaneously, rising nationalism and identity politics have exacerbated divisions and strained international relations.

Conflicts and humanitarian crises continue to plague several regions, causing immense human suffering and displacement. Wars, civil unrest, and terrorism have disrupted lives, shattered communities, and deepened the sense of insecurity for millions of people worldwide. The ongoing challenges of poverty, climate change, and public health crises further contribute to the global unrest.

In this complex landscape, there are also inspiring examples of resilience, activism, and movements striving for positive change. People from all walks of life are coming together to advocate for justice, equality, and peace. Grassroots initiatives, civil society organizations, and international collaborations are working towards addressing the root causes of unrest and building a more stable and inclusive world.

Addressing global unrest requires concerted efforts at local, national, and international levels. It necessitates promoting dialogue, understanding, and respect among diverse communities, fostering inclusive governance and economic opportunities, and upholding human rights and the rule of law. Collaborative diplomacy, conflict resolution, and sustainable development initiatives are essential for establishing a foundation of stability and addressing the underlying drivers of global unrest.

While the challenges are immense, it is crucial to maintain hope and strive for positive change. By addressing the root causes of unrest, promoting dialogue, and fostering inclusive societies, we can work towards a more peaceful, equitable, and secure world for all.

Impact individually

The world’s unrest, characterized by conflicts, social tensions, political instability, and other forms of turmoil, can have a significant impact on individuals in various ways:

  1. Safety and Security: Unrest can jeopardize the safety and security of individuals. It can lead to violence, crime, and the breakdown of law and order, creating an environment of fear and uncertainty.

  2. Displacement and Migration: Unrest often triggers forced displacement and mass migration as individuals and communities seek safety and refuge in more stable regions or countries. This can disrupt lives, separate families, and expose individuals to further challenges and vulnerabilities.

  3. Economic and Social Disruptions: Unrest can disrupt economies and social systems, leading to job losses, economic instability, and reduced access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and basic amenities. This can have a direct impact on individuals’ livelihoods, well-being, and quality of life.

  4. Mental and Emotional Health: Living in an environment of unrest can take a toll on individuals’ mental and emotional well-being. Constant exposure to violence, fear, and uncertainty can lead to stress, anxiety, trauma, and other psychological effects.

  5. Loss of Rights and Freedoms: Unrest may result in the erosion of basic human rights and freedoms. Individuals may face restrictions on their freedom of expression, assembly, or movement, undermining their autonomy and stifling their ability to participate in decision-making processes.

  6. Social Division and Prejudice: Unrest can exacerbate social divisions, deepen existing prejudices, and fuel discrimination based on factors such as ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation. This can lead to increased marginalization, exclusion, and conflicts within communities.

  7. Disrupted Relationships and Community Cohesion: Unrest can strain relationships and fracture community cohesion. Disagreements and tensions arising from differing opinions or perspectives on the causes or solutions to unrest can create divisions among friends, families, and neighbors.

  8. Limited Opportunities: Unrest can limit opportunities for personal growth, education, and career advancement. Disrupted infrastructure, unstable institutions, and a lack of resources or access to opportunities can hinder individuals’ ability to fulfill their potential and achieve their aspirations.

  9. Involvement in Conflict: In some cases, individuals may become directly involved in the unrest, either voluntarily or involuntarily. They may be forced to take sides, participate in violent acts, or become victims of violence, further perpetuating cycles of unrest and endangering their well-being.

  10. Psychological Impact on Future Generations: The impact of unrest can extend beyond the present generation, affecting the psychological well-being and development of future generations. Experiences of trauma, displacement, and violence can have long-lasting effects on individuals and their families.

It is important to note that individuals’ experiences of the world’s unrest can vary depending on their specific circumstances, geographical location, and socio-economic factors. However, overall, the impact of unrest on individuals is characterized by a loss of safety, security, opportunities, and well-being, highlighting the urgent need for peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and the promotion of stability and security worldwide.

In the name of...

According to the Pew Research Center’s “Global Religious Landscape” report, 84% of the world’s population in 2010 identified as religious. 

Religion is a deeply significant aspect of human existence, shaping cultures, values, and worldviews across the globe. It serves as a source of guidance, meaning, and identity for billions of people, providing frameworks for understanding life’s purpose, morality, and the relationship between humanity and the divine. 

Religious beliefs and practices vary widely, encompassing a rich diversity of traditions, rituals, and teachings. From major world religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Sikhism to indigenous and lesser-known faiths, each religion carries its unique set of beliefs, practices, and values.

While religion has historically played a unifying role, it has also been a source of division and conflict. Throughout history, religious differences have been exploited to fuel prejudice, discrimination, and violence. The misuse of religious doctrines and the manipulation of faith for political or ideological gain have led to tensions and conflicts within and between communities.

However, religion also holds the potential for promoting peace, compassion, and mutual understanding. Many faith traditions emphasize principles such as love, justice, forgiveness, and respect for all beings. They inspire individuals to live ethical and moral lives, engage in acts of charity and service, and work towards the betterment of society.

Interfaith dialogue and cooperation have become increasingly vital in our interconnected world. Engaging in conversations that foster understanding and respect among different religious communities can help bridge divides, challenge misconceptions, and build solidarity. By focusing on shared values and principles, people of different faiths can work together towards common goals, such as promoting peace, social justice, and environmental stewardship.

Religion can also play a transformative role in addressing global challenges. Faith-based organizations often provide humanitarian aid, promote education, and advocate for social justice. They contribute to community development, poverty alleviation, and support for marginalized groups. Religion can serve as a moral compass, guiding individuals and communities towards a more compassionate and equitable world.

In embracing religious diversity, societies can foster an environment that respects individual beliefs while promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. Recognizing the shared humanity among diverse religious communities can pave the way for peaceful coexistence and collective efforts to address pressing global issues.

Ultimately, how religion influences the world depends on how individuals and communities interpret and practice their faith. By cultivating tolerance, empathy, and respect, religion can be a force for harmony, social cohesion, and positive change, inspiring individuals to live according to their highest moral and ethical values.


Choice is a fundamental aspect of human autonomy and freedom. Recognizing and respecting the importance of choice is essential for promoting individual autonomy, societal progress, and a flourishing human experience.

  1. Individual Agency: Choice empowers individuals to exercise control over their own lives. It recognizes their autonomy and acknowledges that they are capable of making decisions based on their values, desires, and circumstances. Having the freedom to choose fosters a sense of self-determination and personal fulfillment.
  2. Personal Expression: Choice allows individuals to express their unique identities, preferences, and aspirations. It enables them to pursue paths that align with their interests and passions, contributing to personal growth, creativity, and self-actualization. Through choice, individuals can shape their own narratives and define their own paths in life.
  3. Diverse Perspectives: Embracing choice promotes diversity and inclusivity. It recognizes that different individuals have different needs, beliefs, and values. When people are given the freedom to make choices, it encourages the expression and acceptance of diverse perspectives, fostering a rich tapestry of ideas and experiences in society.
  4. Innovation and Progress: Choice fuels innovation and progress. It encourages competition, exploration, and experimentation. When individuals have the freedom to choose between different options, it drives creativity, encourages the development of new ideas, products, and services, and leads to continuous improvement in various aspects of life.
  5. Personal Responsibility: Choice comes with personal responsibility. When individuals make choices, they become accountable for the consequences of their actions. This fosters a sense of ownership, encourages critical thinking, and promotes learning from both successes and failures. Choice cultivates a culture of responsibility and personal growth.
  6. Human Rights: Choice is closely tied to fundamental human rights, such as the right to freedom of thought, belief, and expression. Respecting and protecting individuals’ choices is a cornerstone of democratic societies. Upholding the freedom to choose is essential for safeguarding human rights, dignity, and equality.
  7. Well-being and Fulfillment: Choice plays a significant role in overall well-being and life satisfaction. When individuals have the freedom to make choices that align with their values and desires, it promotes a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and personal fulfillment. Choice allows individuals to pursue paths that lead to a meaningful and purposeful life.

In summary, choice is important because it empowers individuals, enables personal expression, embraces diversity, fosters innovation, encourages personal responsibility, upholds human rights, and contributes to overall well-being and fulfillment. Recognizing and respecting the importance of choice is essential for promoting individual autonomy, societal progress, and a flourishing human experience.

Why Unite

Unity is important because it harnesses the strength of diversity, establishes common purpose, amplifies impact, provides support, bridges divisions, promotes peace, and nurtures collective responsibility. By coming together, we can create a stronger, more inclusive, and harmonious world for all.

  1. Strength in Diversity: Unity brings together diverse perspectives, experiences, and strengths. By uniting, individuals and communities can leverage their collective knowledge, skills, and resources to address challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve common goals. Embracing diversity promotes creativity, innovation, and resilience.

  2. Common Purpose: Unity helps establish a shared sense of purpose and direction. When people unite around a common cause or vision, they can pool their efforts and work towards a collective objective. This shared purpose fosters collaboration, cooperation, and synergy among individuals, organizations, and communities.

  3. Amplified Impact: By uniting, individuals and groups can amplify their impact and influence. Together, they can advocate for change, raise awareness about critical issues, and mobilize resources more effectively. United efforts have a greater likelihood of making a lasting and positive difference in society.

  4. Resilience and Support: Unity provides a support system during times of adversity. When individuals and communities stand together, they can offer mutual assistance, comfort, and encouragement. United groups can also better withstand external pressures, confront challenges, and recover from setbacks.

  5. Overcoming Divisions: Unity has the power to bridge divisions and foster understanding among diverse groups. It promotes dialogue, empathy, and respect, helping to break down barriers, dispel stereotypes, and build trust. By seeking common ground and recognizing shared humanity, unity can contribute to social cohesion and harmony.

  6. Peace and Stability: Unity is crucial for establishing and maintaining peace and stability. It helps resolve conflicts, promote reconciliation, and build inclusive societies. By uniting around shared values, principles, and goals, individuals and communities can work towards a more peaceful and equitable world.

  7. Collective Responsibility: Unity reinforces the notion of collective responsibility. It reminds us that we are all interconnected and that our actions have an impact on others. Through unity, we can foster a sense of responsibility towards one another, our communities, and the planet, driving positive change and sustainable development.

In summary, unity is important because it harnesses the strength of diversity, establishes common purpose, amplifies impact, provides support, bridges divisions, promotes peace, and nurtures collective responsibility. By coming together, we can create a stronger, more inclusive, and harmonious world for all.

The logo Aikkiya - Moral and Ethical values

Aikkiya is written in Tamil and means united or combined. Tamil is one of the world’s oldest surviving languages. Archaeological inscriptions have been found around the world whitin Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Jainism. 74 million people around the globe speak tamil today, whereof 60 miljon resident in India.

The Aikkiya logo serves as a powerful representation of moral and ethical values embraced by the organization. Through its intricate design and inclusion of various religious symbols, it signifies the importance of upholding principles that foster acceptance, compassion, and unity among individuals.

The golden heart is the largest of the emblem and symbolizes love, empathy, and kindness as fundamental moral values. Inside the heart in the background, the intertwining black and white yin and yang represent the harmony between opposing forces, emphasizing the need for balance and ethical decision-making.

The inclusion of religious symbols, such as the golden cross, Star of David, and crescent moon and star, conveys the significance of diverse faith traditions and the shared commitment to moral and ethical principles across religions.

By utilizing the Aikkiya emblem, the organization highlights the universal nature of moral and ethical values, transcending cultural and religious boundaries. It acts as a visual reminder to individuals and communities to uphold these values in their actions, interactions, and decision-making processes.

The Aikkiya logo represents a call to embrace moral and ethical values as the foundation for a just, inclusive, and compassionate society. It signifies Aikkiya’s commitment to promoting these values and inspiring individuals to lead lives guided by integrity, respect, and empathy.

Heart, Yin and Yang, Cross, Star of David, Cross, Half moon and star inbeded with each other. The name Aikkiya underneath with rainbow colours

Representation of the logo

  • The language represents Hinduism and Jainism
  • Star of David for Judaism
  • The cross represents all forms of Christianity
  • Crescent moon and star represent all forms of Islam
  • Yin and Yang represent Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Balance and Harmony
  • The heart is the largest and represents other Minorities, Community and Peace
  • Rainbow colors for other lifestyles and life views

Let us show the world We Want Peace, Freedom, Unity, Security and Legally Safe Societies