Yemen – Ann Linde – Yafea

The Swedish minister of foreign affairs Ann Linde goes to Saudi Arabia to discuss the war in Yemen. At the same time Yafea a Citizen of Democracy from Yemen shares his hope for a better future for his country and the people in it when he shares his story to encourage people to live democratic.

” My story is a painful story. I live in a country where there is no freedom of expression or freedom to protest every day. I ask myself how can I make society in my country express his vision and live democracy, but my country has been suffering from wars for 9 years and we have not been able to have the simplest elements of life, but I have great hope that  My country will be a better place to live in. I am a university student in my first year, and in light of all these tragic circumstances, I am still moving and I encourage my colleagues in college to practice democracy in their lives and in the university, even slightly.  I am Walsh  A door in my country for democracy, so we wish success in our battle against evil.

We want a happy world and a happy life and to live in peace without any fanaticism or extremism We just want the religion of humanity and the culture of humanity.”

Yafea and his unuversity friends outside the campus

Thank you dear Yafea for sharing your story with the world. You are not alone and please continue the important work.

Aikkiya believe we are a majority in the world who wants to live under democratic forms. United we make a difference. If you have not joined, please join for free at here to support and protect democracy globally.

Facts about Yemen

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The Swedish minister of foreign affairs Ann Linde goes to Saudi Arabia to discuss the war in Yemen. At the same time Yafea a Citizen of Democracy from Yemen shares his hope for a better future for his country and the people in it when he shares his story to encourage people to live democratic.

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